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dumped, dump·ing, dumps v.tr. 1. To release or throw down in a large mass. 2. a.
Rising damp, penetrating damp and condensation are the three most common types of damp for residential properties. Each needs to be treated in different ways, and damp repair costs can vary dramatically, so it's important to know what type of damp is affecting your home before you try to get it fixed. Find 30 ways to say DAMP, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
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“Rising damp” is slang for a female trying to enter a broken hearted mans life after his wife dies, by slowly and painfully making him feel better about himself. Janice pulled a “rising damp” on Bobby Bacala after his wife died, by bringing him food every night and giving him sexual favors . Damp, humid, moist mean slightly wet.
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Janice pulled a “rising damp” on Bobby Bacala after his wife died, by bringing him food every night and giving him sexual favors. by Brewhaha343 February 26, 2018 More of an usual term, a ‘damp squib’ in British slang terms refers to something which fails on all accounts, coming from the ‘squib’ (an explosive), and the propensity for them to fail when wet.
Bit of a damp squib, innit? It's underwhelming.
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Person 2: That's the dampest shirt I've ever seen! by 2016年10月25日 熱望・渇望・切望のニュアンスの他にも絶望・自暴自棄の意味合いが込められ やすい言い方です。 beat. 基本的な意味:叩くスラングでは:疲弊する. beat は、 もっぱら be動詞を伴う I am Cool and funny Irish words - from Irish slang for drunk to common Irish phrases - that you should know before your trip to fierce dry, fierce windy, fierce drizzly, fierce warm, fierce frosty, fierce breezy, fierce damp, fierce humid, 19 Apr 2016 Haar - Is a mist coming in from the East. Mochie - Warm and moist weather. A feeling of being clammy. Plowetery - Messy, dirty wet and showery.