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From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics: Collegeuniu‧ni/ˈjuːni/noun[singular, uncountable] British English, AusEspokenSECuniversityuni-uni-/juːnə/prefix ONLYoneSYNsingle unidirectional (=going in only one direction)Originuni-Old FrenchLatin, from unus“one”. Exercises. Learner's definition of UNI-. : one : single. uni lateral. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. noun unis.

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2015-02-09 · At first sight, uni is pretty gross. It kind of looks like cow tongue. Maybe you're into cow tongue. We can't say we are. Either way, uni isn't winning any beauty pageants, and it can be unsightly enough to turn people off forever. What is perhaps more off-putting than the sight of uni is the texture -- at least to some people. uni-.

Translate uni- into Spanish. One; having or consisting of one. ‘unicellular’.

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Om Folkuniversitetet · In English · Logga in · Sök · Kurser och utbildningar · Studiecirklar och samarbeten · För arbetssökande · Våra skolor · New in Sweden by Europeans is narrow, being limited mainly to English, French, German, texts, and recognise implicit meaning can express him/herself fluently and spon-. Forskning. Jag disputerade 2005 vid Luleå tekniska universitet med avhandlingen Technology, Language and Thought: Extensions of Meaning in the English  Pluggar du Introduction to English Linguistics på Universität Leipzig?

Uni english meaning

تشاد.. زعيم المتمردين يقدم روايته عن مشاركة الرئيس في القتال

Learn more. uni. The ROOT-WORD is UNI. It comes from the Latin word meaning ONE. Smallest in number, it is greatest in idea, expressing itself in the ideal of UNIversality, ONENESS of the whole world.

[from Latin ūnus one] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014. Uni - A unisex pronoun for God, Our Creator or Supreme being. Replacement for gender He/She pronouns; supports the ideology that God has both a female and a male side unified as one. 2.Refers to God without reference to a sex gender pronoun. We believe in a Divine Creator, Uni (He/She) is one with us. Uni- | Definition of Uni- by Merriam-Webster.
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Uni english meaning

Romanian Pe de altă parte, ţările care au aceleaşi concepţii se pot uni dacă doresc. Pronunciation /ˈjuːni/. Translate uni- into Spanish. One; having or consisting of one.

One; having or consisting of one only; regarded as a single entity. (affix) Unicellular, unisex. Many translated example sentences containing "Uni" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations.

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